Term of Use

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This website is made available for use in connection with your participation in the programme. You may as part of your use copy electronically and print portions of the website but you should not use such access or content to generate income of any kind. Any other use of materials on this website (including without limitation reproduction for a purpose other than that noted above and any modification, distribution or republication) without our prior written permission is prohibited. In particular, you may not use any data or information made available on or by this website in connection with any business or commercial undertaking (whether or not for profit).

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We do not make any representations, warranties or terms of any kind in respect of this website or its contents (including, without limitation, any views or comment made) other than those required by law. All information and/or data included in and/or on this website is made available for guidance only. Your use of such information and/or data is therefore entirely at your own risk. We expressly exclude, to the fullest extent permitted by law, all liability of InCard Marketing Sdn. Bhd., its directors, employees or other representatives, howsoever arising, for any loss suffered as a result of your use of this website.

This website may include links to websites and/or services owned and/or operated by participating companies and/or third parties. These are provided for your convenience and we are not responsible for and do not give any warranties or make any representations regarding any such websites and/or services and are not responsible for or liable in relation to the content or your use of such websites (other than to the extent required by law).

Due to the nature of the Internet, we do not promise full and error free operation of this website at all times.